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Rosicrucian Society,
Order of the Hermetic Gold+Rose (RSOHGR)
USA, Eur
ope and Africa

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From the book, Leaves of Morya's Garden, we are reminded of the following:



Regular Lessons

An affordable monthly payment is required in order for the member to receive the Order’s monthly lessons in monograph form or through e-mail, and to be considered active in status. Four monographs are issued per month; it is recommended that the student study one lesson per week.


Vow of Secrecy

These lessons may be studied in the comfort and privacy of the member’s own home and at his own pace, preferably on Thursday evenings or at his preferred schedule. Being a benefit of membership, the lessons must be read by the member alone and are absolutely not to be shown to or shared with other people. This is the vow of secrecy to which the member agrees upon entry into the Order, a vow incumbent upon all members of authentic mystical schools.


Hermetic School

We are a Hermetic school. We study and practice the teachings of an Egyptian sage named Hermes Trismegistus, who lived approximately during the time of Moses and Pharaoh Akhnaton. He was an illustrious being, admired for his many accomplishments. He excelled as a priest, philosopher, healer, mathematician, and occultist, among others. Indeed, his very name reflects his numerous talents; Hermes Trismegistus means “Hermes, Thrice-Greatest,” on account of his being considered the greatest of all philosophers, the greatest of all priests, and the greatest of all kings. From Egypt, his renown reached Greece and the whole of Europe, and to this day, many students of the esoteric arts look to his writings and teachings for guidance and insight.


Rosicrucian Ideals

Our beloved Order is also guided by Rosicrucian ideals, which include tolerance for all beliefs and cultures, selfless service to our fellow human beings, adherence to the highest cosmic laws, and continuous study and practice toward the attainment of cosmic consciousness.

Spiritual Upliftment

Our Order studies spiritual principles and is aimed at the spiritual upliftment of man, yet we are not a religious organization. Anyone who seeks wisdom and self-improvement, regardless of his or her religious beliefs, social standing, educational background, race or culture, may become a member of our Order. However, if he is close-minded and intolerant of ideas that may be different from those already familiar to him, then it is almost certain that the Order will be of no benefit to him. To a cup that is already full, no more can be added; to a student who is not ready, nothing can be taught however hard the teacher may try.


Graded Lessons

The lessons are organized in grades or degrees, progressing from the basic to the higher teachings. The student ascends through these degrees, increasing in knowledge and wisdom the longer he studies under the Order.

© 2010-2023 RKMR, RSOHGR and VAJRAYANA

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