Rosicrucian Society,
Order of the Hermetic Gold+Rose (RSOHGR)
USA, Europe and Africa
Christian Rosenkreutz
In 1610 the words "Rosae Crucis" appeared in Kassel Frankfurt, Germany when a certain individual named Christian Rosenkreutz, popularly known among mystics as C.R.C., published such works as the Fama Fraternitatis, Confecio Fraternitatis, and the Chemical Marriage of Christian Rosenkreutz. In these works were written the principles, goals, organizational structure, and rules of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. To C.R.C. was attributed the founding of the Brotherhood, an organization composed of powerful men who had attained mastership in the esoteric arts, healing, science, and culture. Most of them were known to be transcendental philosophers. It is stated that their mission was the rehabilitation of Europe as well as all of humanity by freeing men from the enslavement of ignorance, false beliefs, fear, bigotry, and superstition. These lofty principles electrified all of Europe, and for seven years, from 1610 to 1617, many sought to enter the portals of the Rosicrucians.
Who was this mysterious C.R.C?
Modern research reveals that C.R.C. was no other than Sir Francis Bacon of Great Britain. In his time, he was publicly well-known as an astute lawyer, eloquent speaker in Parliament and statesman, and sagacious philosopher, thinker and writer. He had written more than 30 philosophical works and many legal, popular, scientific, historical manuscripts, and other books and essays. The Novum Organum (New Method), written in Latin, was his famous work on inductive reasoning where he laid out a plan for the reorganization of knowledge into categories, and is credited as a landmark work in establishing the scientific method. He was knighted and became Lord Chancellor in 1603, Baron Verulam in 1618, and Viscount St. Albans in 1621.
But unknown to the masses, Bacon also led a secret life as the head of the Rosicrucian movement of the 17th century. He served as Imperator, or Spiritual Chief, of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
Bacon became the target of much political intrigue and machination. Finally, Bacon orchestrated his own mock death so that he could continue unobstructed being the Imperator of the secret Rosicrucian Society. After his mock death in 1626, he completely disappeared from the English scene and emigrated to Germany.
Even the great Theosophist, Geoffrey Hodson, was convinced that it was Francis Bacon who authored the pamphlets published in Germany, and served as the head of the Rosicrucian movement in the 17th century. Hodson knew of this fact metaphysically, retrieving the knowledge from the Akashic Records.
Rosicrucianism is really the ancient wisdom that was handed down from the continent of Mu popularly known as Lemuria and from Atlantis which made its way to ancient Egypt. Here are some ancient Rosicrucians who propagated the solar mysteries in Egypt, and neighboring countries in the Middle East, Greece and Italy and other European countries up to the Christian era.
The Rosicrucians in Germany and Europe
The Rosicrucians then continued to blaze in Germany. The following persons were among those who contributed to its sudden growth:
Heinrich Khunrath(1560-1605), who established the first Rosicrucian library in Germany
Simon Studion(1543-1605), Imperator of Germany
Michael Maier (1568-1622), who became Sovereign Grand Master, the author of “Themis Aurea.”
Jacob Boehme (1575-1624), theosophist, mystic, and author of such works as the “Aurora” and The”Mysterium Magnum.”
Johann Valentin Andrea(1568-1654).
Simon Studion was noted for organizing in 1586 an international convention to defend the cross against abuse and misapplication. At that time, certain misuses of the cross were common, such as in the Crusades in which thousands of men were killed under the so-called flagship of the cross. Studion’s convention, called the Cruce Signatorum Conventus, was well attended by Rosicrucians from different parts of the world. It was also sponsored by no less than Henry IV, king of France and Navarre.
A period of silence ensued during the closed cycle of the Brotherhood in the 18th century. But a silent revival occurred in the early 19th century in Germany as well as in other parts of Europe. Prominent initiates that led the revival were:
Carl Kellner(1850-1905), a Rosicrucian and a Tantric adept, the founder of the “Ordo Templi Orientis” (OTO).
Franz Hartmann (1838-1912),co-founder of OTO
Albert Karl Theodor Reuss (1855-1923), also an occultist, responsible for spreading OTO throughout the world.
Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (1879-1049), founder of “Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua.”
Krumm-Heller was at the forefront of the Rosicrucian movement in South America. Although he was of German birth, he spread Rosicrucianism among the Spanish, Portuguese and all over the Latino-speaking parts of the world. He began his work when he was only sixteen years old, at the time when he arrived in South America. He worked closely with Theodor Reuss, the Grand Master of OTO. Together, they published a book in which they identified themselves as Rosicrucians. This book was called Der Rosenkreutzer.
Sar Peladan & Sar Hieronymus
During the same period, Sar Josephine Peladan (1858—1918), popularly known as Sar Marduk, led the revival of Rosicrucianism in France and in Belgium. He worked together with his Belgian disciple, Emille Dantinne (1884—1969), also known as Sar Hieronymus. Both later became Imperators, one in France and the other in Belgium.
Sar Peladan, an accomplished writer and Adept, was a person of striking appearance and versatile character. He had penetrating eyes, unruly hair and beard, and he had the habit of wearing a variety of outlandish costumes. He wrote many remarkable novels on occultism and eroticism. But despite his controversial ways, he continued to maintain a strong adherence to the Catholic faith. In fact, it was his wish to reintroduce occultism into the folds of Catholicism.
Sar Peladan was initiated by his brother and his parents who were also secret Rosicrucian initiates. Later, he broke away from the Order Kabbalistique de la Rose Croix (Cabalistic Order of the Rosy Cross), and established his own Rosicrucian movement called the Order of the Temple and the Grail and of the Catholic Rose Cross.
Sar Hieronymus (Emille Dantinne) became a member of this movement, which he later headed and reorganized to form the Ordo Aureae and Rosae Crucis. Under Dantinne, the Rosicrucian movement was refashioned to conform to the original tradition. It had three distinct divisions, namely:
Rose-Croix Universitaire (composed of nine degrees)
Rose-Croix Universelle (also composed of nine degrees)
Rose-Croix Interioure (the Inner Order, which had four degrees)
Member, then leader, of several esoteric societies based in Belgium such as 'La Rose+Croix Universitaire' and 'L'Ordre d'Hermès Tétramégiste', he founded in 1936 the F.U.D.O.S.I., or 'Fédération Universelle Des Ordres et Sociétés Initiatiques' (Universal Federation of Initiatic Orders and Societies). By that time he had adopted the esoteric name of Sâr Hieronymus.
The main Esoteric Order in the F.U.D.O.S.I. was the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis also known as A.M.O.R.C., to which Dantinne belonged since the days of his friendship with Grand Master Joséphin Péladan. Dantinne was never a member of AMORC. Neither was Josephin Peladan. The latter was the founder and Grand Master of the Ordre Rose+Croix Catholique. Dantinne was an enthusiatic disciple of Peladan and inherited the mantle of Imperator of the OR+CC when Peladan died, changing its name to the Ordre Rose+Croix Universelle. Dantinne spoke several languages, among which Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Latin and Ancient Greek. He also was an accomplished writer. During his lifetime he published over 30 titles concerning topics such as foreign languages, local history, metaphysics, occultism etc.
On September 26, 2002, a disciple and initiate of a certain grade named "Saramen el Marduk" together with some Naga Brahmas and officers and members of the Martinist Order and Chevalier Monks of Christ opened a new cycle of Rosicrucianism in our country and for Asia, thus the Rosicrucian Society, OHGR was opened once more. It will follow the old Rosicrucian way of manifesting on earth, the Order will operate for 108 years openly and publicly, conducting lectures, seminars, and disseminating the traditional teachings in monograph forms and through portal and lodge convocations. The initiate Saramen got his Rosicrucian lineage first through his bloodline, he is the scion of the Rosicrucian and Naga Initiates Senyor Ponciano Canonigo, Babai Ambrosio and Señor Badique, a Spanish Rosicrucian adept. Saramen has also been initiated into the Rosicrucianism of Sar Alden and Sar Validivar and reached the grades of esoteric hierarchy and the secret Ordo Summom Bonum. He has also travelled to Southern France and Germany and received initiations from the lineage of Sar Josephine Peladan and Sar Hieronymus. He has travelled to India, Nepal, Bhutan and Southern Tibet and there received further initiations in the Rose Cross Ashramas. But the most important of all, the only authentic and true initiation into the invisible Rosicrucians is when Saramen partook of that rare initiation called Cosmic Consciousness. Through the medium of Cosmic contact, Saramen had communed with some of the great Masters and the mind of God and thus, our beloved RSOHGR again is operating on earth plane. The tomb of our beloved great Master, C.R.C. -Christian Rosenkreutz is once again opened in the Philippines. Our beloved Order has now several branches in our country, abroad, in America, Europe and Africa. We owe this to the blessing of God and the Cosmic and the great Masters who is overshadowing our highest officers, initiates and our Order.